The New Normal

The New Normal

Covid19 has changed the way many buyers search for a property. Nathan Jackman-Smith explains. Before Covid 19, most home hunters physically visited all the properties in which they were interested. They felt they had to as a way...

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Buyer Demand Inreases in Herefordshire

Buyer Demand Inreases in Herefordshire

Since the housing market reopened in England on Wednesday 13th May the release of pent-up demand has led to record levels of buyers enquiring about their next home. New analysis from Rightmove, based on circa 95% of all properties...

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Some buyers have been sharpening their pencils, anticipating a fall in property prices following Covid19. The early indications are that pencils can be pinpoint sharp but it might not mean a lowering of prices, or that lowball...

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Useful Engines

Useful Engines

As the UK lifts out of lockdown, we suggest a chat over coffee or zoom call to consider your next move. The creator of Thomas the Tank Engine, the Reverend W Awdry, once said that the church was like a railway: both were trying to...

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